Demonstration Gegen AFD

Demonstration against extremism in Apolda On 01.02.2025 the AfD youth organization called JA (Junge Alternative) which is known as a far-right extremist group, plans to hold its federal congress in Apolda. They might even give birth to AfDs new youth organization. This congress has to be viewed highly critically as it a gathering of many ambitious and young extremists that oppose every value we as a diverse society stand for. In response therefore numerous organizations and groups that stand for equality, solidarity and resistance against right-wing-extremism have come together to organize a large protest against this congress. Lantern is also supporting this protest against the JA-congress. The team from the Lantern Food Project is working tirelessly to prepare over 1,200 servings of warm and delicious vegetarian Iranian Soup (Ash Reshteh). This initiative is the result of a lot of planning and hours of preparation and cooking by the Lantern Food Project Team, with support from groups like the Black Kitchen. On the day of the protest, this food will not only bring warmth to the crowd but will also stand as a symbol of unity, empathy and resistance against hate. We highly encourage all of you to join us and many others to make a clear statement, that there is no place for hate! Looking forward to see y'all! 📍 Location: Apolda 📆 Date: Saturday 01.02.2025 check @rechtsruckstoppen.jena for further information regarding the place and time of the demonstrations #NoToExtremism #UnitedCommunity #FreedomAndEquality #Lantern #FoodForSolidarity #NeinZuExtremismus #SolidarischeGesellschaft #FreiheitUndGleichheit #Lantern #EssenFürSolidarität #laterne #foodproject #apolda #thuringen #jena #fanos #نه_به_افراط‌گرایی #جامعه_همبسته #آزادی_و_برابری #لانترن #غذا_برای_همبستگی #پروژه_غذا #لاترنه
#فانوس #تورینگن #ینا #آلمان #آپولدا


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