Protest against J.A in Apolda

Solidarity in Action – Lantern at the Apolda Protest Against J.A Yesterday, at the Apolda protest against the extremist policies of AFD, Lantern and Black Kitchen stood with the demonstrators—not just with words, but with love and solidarity through food! By cooking and distributing warm meals, we supported those fighting for democracy, equality, and social unity. We believe that the fight against hate is strongest when it meets with kindness, togetherness, and mutual support. 🌍 Together for a more just future! #lantern #lanterne #AgainstExtremism #notohate #apolda #solidarity #solidarite #foodproject #fanos #deutschland #germany #thüringen #laterna #blackkitchen #فانوس #لانترن #ینا #تورینگن #آلمان


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